Dear Fellow Classmates:


This morning, Giffy Waldbridge Foltz and I had the privilege and honor of being in attendance and presenting the 2nd Annual Scholarship in memory of Patti Winter Giangregorio.  It was a moment that I know I shall cherish for many years to come.  Patti remains foremost in our minds, hearts and memories as one of the truly good and beloved individuals who touched so many of our lives.  The presentation was made even more memorable when Charlene told us that Megan McKenna, the recipient of the 2006 award is the daughter of one of our classmates, Cindy Kuhnaphel.


How appropriate and meaningful that is in more ways than words can express. The chain that links us all, or to put it another way...the quilt that was made by Patti through her life (and she was so amazingly talented in stitching among many things), continues to bind us together.  Each of us who were touched by Patti, continue her memory, love of family, friends and life itself with each thread in her quilt that continues to grow, even today.  How large and beautiful Patti's quilt is and knowing that it continues to grow gives even more meaning to the love, life and beauty that is Patti.  I can honestly say that today Patti was there with us and I was deeply moved knowing that Megan, the daughter of one of our classmates received this honor.


In honoring Patti today and I hope that we are able to keep this going in the years to come... we not only reaffirmed our commitment to the future, but more importantly to Patti's memory.  This year, we not only continue to remember and cherish her, but share this today with the child of one of our classmates.  May the circle be unbroken.


How large, yet how small the world is and how wonderful.  For those of us reviewing the scholarship entries, we had no idea that our selection would yet again link us to one of our classmates; much less reaffirm our connection to Patti.  What a wonderful gift we received in return, in the revealing and the knowing.  Patti is smiling still and continues to touch and link us together.


I hope that we will continue to celebrate Patti and all that she gave to each of us.  There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of her and the lesson that she taught me above all else. 


No matter what life puts in your path, the journey is always filled with hope, promise, family and friends.  Patti and her family taught this to me even though they may never have known it and I will always be forever grateful and thankful for that and so much more.


Thank you for the honor of being a part of this.


With warmest regards and heartfelt thanks,

Carol A. Wagner Bissonette

Councilwoman, Town of Brookhaven